41st Elite Corps (14)
Navigation (7)
Basic info
First appearance: Revenge of the Sith
Events: Mission to Rodia, Rescue on the Tranquility, Battle of Kashyyyk
Known Facts (1)
Battle of Kashyyyk (1) »
The 41st Elite Corps, later redesignated as the 41st Stormtrooper Legion, was a legion of elite clones in the Grand Army of the Republic, composed of many variants of troopers, including AT-RT drivers, clone scout troopers and BARC troopers. Their legion color was alternately gray or marked with green camouflage. The 41st Elite was a division out of the 9th Assault Corps, under command of Jedi General Luminara Unduli and Clone Commander Gree. Though officially designated as the 41st Elite Corps, this battle group led by General Luminara Unduli and Clone Commander Gree was a legion of elite clones from out of the 9th Assault Corps. The 41st Elite specialized in long patrols on alien planets, often operating in primitive and grueling conditions while forging alliances with indigenous populations. Seeing so many alien species even caused Gree to become an expert on species and their customs.


See also
Related units, characters and technologies
Complete list
Clone Commander Gree Kashyyyk Trooper Commander Gree Yoda's Elite Clone Troopers Yoda's Elite Clone Troopers (2008) Droid Invasion
SWM Champions of the Force
SWM Champions of the Force
SWM Clone Wars
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk
Clone Commander Gree
Kashyyyk Trooper
Commander Gree
Yoda's Elite Clone Troopers
Yoda's Elite Clone Troopers (2008)
Droid Invasion
85889 / 85768
85889 / 85768
87514 / 87513
Tags (2)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor

Clone Scout Trooper
Tags (2)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase I Armor

Tags (3)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor | Clone Scout Trooper

Tags (3)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor | Clone Scout Trooper

Tags (7)

B2 Super Battle Droid | B1 Battle Droid | Droideka | Clone Scout Trooper | Yoda | Jedi Order | Wookiee

Battle of Kashyyyk
Battle of Kashyyyk
Battle of Kashyyyk
Battle of Kashyyyk
Battle of Kashyyyk
Clone Commander Gree (WM) (UBP) Clone Trooper (WM, Kashyyyk) (UBP) 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper : Coruscant Commander Gree : 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper 41st Elite Corps (CW04) Commander Gree (CW09)
BPU - Clone Wars (Walmart)
BPU - Clone Wars (Walmart)
Militaries of Star Wars
Militaries of Star Wars
The Clone Wars (2009)
The Clone Wars (2009)
Clone Commander Gree (WM) (UBP)
Clone Trooper (WM, Kashyyyk) (UBP)
41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper : Coruscant
Commander Gree : 41st Elite Corps
Clone Trooper 41st Elite Corps (CW04)
Commander Gree (CW09)
87959 / 87638
89467 / 87638
Tags (2)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor

Clone Scout Trooper
GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor
Tags (2)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor

GAR Clone Trooper, Phase I Armor
Tags (2)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase I Armor

Battle of Kashyyyk
Battle of Kashyyyk
Battle of Kashyyyk
Mission to Rodia
Mission to Rodia
Clone Commander Gree (C3193) Commander Gree (ArtFX+)
The Black Series 6'' (Exclusives)
ArtFX+ Series Two : Clone Troopers
Clone Commander Gree (C3193)
Commander Gree (ArtFX+)
SW-051 / 5800
Tags (2)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor

Tags (2)

Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase I Armor

Battle of Kashyyyk

Last updated: 05.03.2022 22:11:45